Wednesday, June 17, 2009


HI everyone.
I have started a new blog.
It is a little different than the last one but I promise it will be just as entertaining!
Love, Me

Monday, May 25, 2009


All good things must come to an end and this is the end of the road for this blog.
My life has been so public for such a long time and now is the time when I need privacy the most.
The boys and I are doing so well. Sure, we have our bumps but overall things are great.
We are moving forward and ready for the next phase in our lives.
I want to thank all of you for all of your love and support and for being such an important part of our lives. We love you all very much.
I will start up a new blog soon just so that I can keep everyone updated. It will be more of a family page. I will update general things in our lives without making our personal lives too public.
I love you all and I am excited to see what God has in store for us! Stay tuned. I will give you a new address very soon.
Love & blessings for the brightest future ever!!!
Lisa & Boys

Friday, May 15, 2009


I was having lunch today with a good friend of mine and we were kinda just talking about our lives (mostly mine). As we were talking I was thinking about all of you and how you have blessed my life.

So many of you supported us and loved us and prayed for us and gave up your time and energy to help us whenever we needed it and for those things I could never repay or thank you enough. You were all God's kingdom in action. This is what we are created for - to be a driving presence in one another's lives each day and through good times and bad times.

Thankfully, Gary provided some resources for us so that we would have some time to get on our feet. I am going to be able to partially pay for school so that I can get my nursing degree. I finally bought a new car after driving both of ours well over the 120,000 mile marker. Both of our cars were lovingly fixed by Charlie Smith and I was able to give them to some families who hopefully will get many more miles out of them.

Gary gave the boys some money for Christmas he had stashed away in an account before he was laid off from his job so that I could take them to Hawaii. Watching him give that present to the boys was painstakingly difficult knowing he would not be a part of that dream trip. Our relatives are providing us with a house in Hawaii for the entire time we are there. How lucky we are. I am finally taking a trip with a friend to an exotic island for a week and an amazing person gave me the money so that I could be able to do that.

Sometimes I feel guilty that some good things are happening in our lives now. But, I feel so spoiled and special and it has been a long time since I have felt that way and it feels good. Gary used to spoil me all the time and I miss being spoiled sometimes. These unique opportunities are so exciting and I can't wait to travel with the boys a bit!

You have made our lives possible. You have made this transition more peaceful than I ever thought it could be. You are the reason why we have a roof over our heads and food on our table. That was such an awful yet wonderful time in all of our lives and I thank you thank you thank you thank you!!!

My friends -I love you. You are in my life everyday and you continually lift me up and put a smile on my face! Everyone who did more than an amazing job with Gary's funeral I thank you deeply. The slideshow that Michele did is one of the most precious gifts anyone could have ever given our family. The flowers at the church were beyond beautiful, Bonny. So many women spent hours and hours arranging those flowers to make them so special. Gary would have loved that. The beauty of the church and the reception and the sheer amount of people who came to remember such a wonderful and courageous man - priceless. All of the late night dinners with friends - awesome. So many people and so much love and care.

I promise to repay all of the kindness to others that you all have shown our family. That is what life is all about. Pouring our heart and soul into the people we love.

I hope you all have a blessed weekend and if anyone wants to play in a huge kickball tournament - Tesoro High School field at 9:30 Sunday morning!

Love and dreams of a happy and wonderful future,


Love, Loss and Life

Gary would be very proud of the boys. I am super proud of the boys. The boys are amazingly wonderful. They are handling Gary's death better than I could have ever imagined. We have our rough times. Throw downs. Anger. Frustration. Sadness. All the emotions that go along with grieving the loss of a father. I can't even begin to imagine what the boys are going through. My loss is very different than their loss.

I stand 100% firm in everything Gary and I did to prepare them for Gary's eminent death. We involved them in every single aspect of his dying and death. We never lied to them. I think we did a great job preparing them for what we are going through right now and it shows.

They are doing well in school. They are doing well at home and they are so loving toward me. Remember, they have their moments and maybe a few more than most kids on some days but if you take a look at the entire picture it is looking pretty rosy so far! Your prayers are working!

I ordered a stand up punching bag with gloves that I will put in the garage. Anytime they struggle with anger I will send them out to the garage for some bag time. It will be healthy for them to take that anger out and do whatever they want to that bag. It will be a great outlet for all of us. I could have used that bag this morning and with the amount of anger I had I think I would have ripped it and thrashed it.

My debit card was stolen out of my wallet at the baseball field on Tuesday at 4:45 PM. I had no idea until yesterday at 3 PM. I called Chase to report the card stolen and found out that the thief had charged about $500.00 on that debit card (they used it as a credit card but it is directly linked to my checking account).

I had the person at the bank shut the card down and off I went so I thought.

I decided to call this morning to see if the pending transactions had posted so I could file the dispute and get my money back. Get this - the lady on the phone the day before DID NOT cancel the card and the flippin' thieves charged thousands more and basically drained my account! Unbelievable. I was beyond upset as you can imagine and many of you may have already been through what I am going through.

So, inlue of kicking the crud out of the punching bag I don't have yet, I decided to go to the golf range and learn how to hit some balls and work on my swing. I had the greatest time with Jenn and then we even had a few minutes of social time on the porch. I was very relaxed and I would say I was in a great mood.

Then, back to the bank to get everything straightened out in person. I talked with the Branch Manager and they are putting a rush on getting that money back. We went over all of the charges to determine which ones were mine and after figuring all of that out I felt much better and assured that I would get that money back.

So annoying. I have to call so many companies that I pay online and change the card number. Ugggg......Oh well. Things could be worse.

School starts for me in a few weeks. I am excited and anxious to get through the nursing program so that I can begin to help people.

Church is great and we are having church out on the field at the school this week. We are having a huge kickball tournament with parents and kids alike and it should be super fun! God has done some pretty amazing things in our church body and I am living proof of that. Our church and our friends and our family have been such a huge support and without all of you we would not be where we are right now.

Life lessons learned the past few days: Anger is nasty and ugly. It is not good for your soul. Some people aren't worth the energy required to stress or be angry. There are so many awesome things in life to focus on. Find the positive and ditch the negative. Be real. Two-faced people have issues and they aren't yours. Ditch your insecurities. Surround yourself with people who want only the best for you. Pray more. Place all of your trust in God. Get in the passenger seat because no matter how hard you try you will never be in control.

Each day we can learn. Each day is filled with new experiences. Live with LOVE. Live through LOSS. Live your LIFE to the fullest.

Hugs, Kisses and Love,

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

No Title

Bad afternoon. I seriously wanted to take one of my children and kick him to the curb. I spent my afternoon so incredibly frustrated and unbelievably angry. Uggggggggggg.

This particular child (those of you who were on the fields tonight know who I am talking about because of his outlandish display of insane behavior) decided to scream and yell at me when I did not give him the food he wanted at the particular time he wanted it.

I realize that the kids are going through a difficult time and trying to judge how much of the behavior is just normal kid behavior and how much of it is Gary's death is sometimes challenging to say the least.

Tonight I reached my breaking point. I wanted to just go off screaming and yelling at him with every 4 letter word I know.
But, I didn't. I held my composure (somewhat) and at 8 PM we went home. Had I had some duct tape I probably would have put it across his mouth but thankfully I let one of my other friends borrow it for the week as she is also having discipline issues! HAHA

His attitude totally turned around before bed and he apologized. It was nice to hear it BUT it is too late to get him out of the deep trouble he is in. Live and learn and some of us have to do it the hard way!

I am gearing up for a busy rest of my week. Lots going on at church and at home.

I would really enjoy going out on the town a few times in the next week. I need it as I have not been out in such a long time.
I think I am really going to make that a priority as I need time away from home to be rejuvenated.

Going to bed I think. We will see if I can fall asleep. I have had a touch of insomnia this week for some reason. Hopefully this will pass.


Sunday, May 10, 2009


Our first Mother's Day without Gary is kinda weird. Matt took the boys this week to get my Mother's Day present which happened to be a Burke Williams Gift Certificate and the boys were so excited to give that to me today! They told me that they thought that is exactly what Gary would have wanted for me and I am so glad they gave it to me.

Thank God for Matt. He helped me to give the boys a teachable moment with how to treat their Mom! I hope they are this thoughtful to their wives when that time comes.

I went to church this morning and got home to have lunch with Joyce, Jeff and Monie before they went back to the desert. Jeff filled my house with roses and it is so beautiful and it smells so good. I have roses everywhere and for those of you who know me I absolutely LOVE flowers! What a treat!

I took the boys to T Street this afternoon so that they could have some much needed beach time. It was such a beautiful day and the sand was warm and the boys said that the water wasn't too bad at all. I had some time on the beach to just look around and take things in. I think it just bummed me out to see families together and couples together. It is like that everywhere I go. It is strong confirmation that I know I do not want to be alone the rest of my life.

I am tired and ready for sleep. I only slept 3.5 hours last night.

Happy Mother's Day. I hope it was everything you hoped it would be.

Love & Hugs,

Friday, May 8, 2009


I wanted to take a moment to recognize the women in my life that are mothers.

I am so blessed to have so many friends who love me and care for me.

My girls have been there through the thickest of the thick for me and I am eternally grateful for your love and support.
Sunday is a day that honors all of you. Not only are you wonderful mothers to your own children but you have been amazing mothers to mine throughout these past 2 years.

You will never know how much your love means to me. I could never repay you nor could I express to you what is written in my heart when I think of all of the things you have done for me and for Gary and for the boys.

We are ready to move forward with no regrets as a family and I know that there are so many of you that will keep on this journey with us! Let's see what God has in store for us. I know it will be something great!

Happy Mothers Day to all my girlfriends who mean so much to me!

I love you with all my heart
